
Chapter 30.

At first we though about writing this chapter in Finnish for change. Just because feeling a bit tired (of being lazy) but then realized that it's just... fun to write in English :D And we are all about fun so yeah. Yes, it is harder but hey, no pain no gain? About that..

Today we though about things we learned and improved on this trip. This task we have to do in Finland later, but I think all of this things won't be so acceptable or appropriate. We won't write them down back home but we'll be happy to share them with you. So, let's make a small list (please, some of them are just a joke):  

- By watching serials, we learned from Gossip Girl about fashion, from Suits some law things, from Pretty Little Liars how not to be surprised about anything weird and to be patient (WHO THE F*** IS A?). From Dexter we learned... well, how to kill and slice people and don't get caught. From all of them we learned also that don't lie about anything, because the truth will come out anyway.
- Learned some Bulgarian and French swearwords. Freaking wizard gays.... (Ps. Teo, we miss you singing THE song).
- Improved in being more open. Also we had freedom of speech. We can say anything to people without they knowing what we are saying in Finnish. What a relief to say anything you want ! All you need is a smile. What you are saying, they don't have to know. We are quite scared about that when we'll go back to Finland.. We are used to gossip too much. We're gonna get punched in the face (with a chair).
- Improved in English !!!!! Maybe the most important thing. See, we are writing in English without putting much pressure on it (and you can see it from all mistakes).
- Learned how to pack all our four moths stuff in one luggage (per person of course (okay, Hemppe has two big ones... more money spend with her).
- How to spend money.
- How to appreciate some of Finnish food and treats. 
- It is totally normal to drive on the left side of the road. Aaaand we gonna die in Finland. So friends back there, please help us.

So yeah, here's some things we wanted to share for now. We noticed that we have grown up here. This exchange has been a good thing for both of us. Two days left, really?! Starting realizing for real that this is coming to an end. 

Today we got our grades and well, let's say that pass is enough for us (not that bad). To be honest, it has been hard to concentrate on studying when there are so much things to see (new episodes for example.... [ok this sounds like we don't have a life but honestly, we have been doing lot's of other things too!]).

By the way! Happy National Doughnut Day! We almost thought we're gonna miss and not get any donuts because we remembered about this too late. All shops were already closed at 7pm. Except for lovely Morrison we though we never gonna visit again.. Oh, what you are ready to do for donuts! Anything. Even to walk to Morrisons (it is so far (like 15 minutes walking.......). It shouldn't be surprising that leaving shop besides donuts we had some ice cream, strawberries, cake.. Well, it's gonna be sweet weekend for us :D

Today we packed all our four moths belonging to luggage and we think we made a pretty success. It is POSSIBLE to close the suitcases. But yeah, no more shopping.. (haha u wish).

Yesterday we made a little walk around University to take some pictures of it. Just to remember. Before that we made a quick visit to Aman's place to drop some things. Enjoy your new mirror ! It was scary to carry it through people. We didn't want to get seven years of unlucky and most of you might know us... We are not so careful with things :D Anyway, mirror survived and so did we.

Tomorrow is a huge cleaning project. Wish us luck. 
Let us now leave you to enjoy of some pictures of great UWS:

As you see, our home is really close


Here you can see Uni, the "party place"
Well hello Aman !

Project from today.
 Cheers pals,

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